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Welcome to Bridges

The app for professional business communication in your community​

We live in a world where information is always flooding in, so it's easy to lose important details among the endless stream of messages
and notifications

Do you mute group chats?

Are you getting bombarded with irrelevant info and don't want to get sidetracked?

Missing out on useful info?

Ever find yourself opening your chat app to see a ton of missed messages? You scroll to the bottom, wondering if there might be something important you missed, right?

Still relying on screenshots to save it?

Spot useful info and take a screenshot
or send it to a select chat, only to lose track of it later?

We bring order to the chaos of communications

Our app is designed to tackle these challenges, providing clarity and systemization in communications. With our innovative features, we help users focus on what truly matters, transforming the chaos of information flows into structured order.

Read only what interests you

Obtain information according to your private interests

Optimize your networking with our 'Networking' space, designed to deliver only the most relevant information and chats tailored to your interests. Powered by community administrators, you’ll engage with
like-minded individuals in discussions that matter to you, ensuring every conversation is valuable.


Focus on what you love, with information that's aligned just for you.

Smart matching feature
Maximize your sales efficiency

Establish bridges with buyers specifically seeking
your products.


Receive only relevant inquiries to make sure that every notification brings you closer to

a successful transaction.

Simplify your sales process with targeted communication within your community.

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Flexible Saving Options

Simplify storage for easy communication

Effortlessly organize and store your information with our app's flexible saving options. Create custom folders for all your important notes, screenshots, and documents, accessible in one central location.

Share valuable information with your community whenever you choose and communicate easily with contributors.

Transform your communication into a valuable repository of resources, all with a few taps!

Empowering community managers with professional tools

Understanding the complexities of community management, we've leveraged over a decade of experience to develop specialized, professional features for administrators and business community owners. These tools are now available through our dedicated web panel.


Managing a community has never been more comfortable. Curious to see what we've prepared for you?


Contact us for a demo, and we'll show you how our solutions can streamline your daily tasks today.

Customize Your Product

Truly makes the application your own. Add your own logo, upload your rules, and create your listings.

Maximize chat efficiency

Create them by filtering participants based
on interests and other criteria.

Create a Community Library

No more need to duplicate inquiries. All the useful information is forever with you—everything you need is just a visit to the library away.

Keep it exclusive

Approve or reject applications for community membership yourself, or make your app accessible to everyone. It's up to you.

Assign administrative roles to your team

Help your team members manage profiles, handle market inquiries, and access many other features for effective community administration.

Why does it matter?

Time is the most valuable resource. We have got 10 years of experience in professional business communications. Thus, we strive to minimize time expenditure while achieving maximum results.

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